
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Te Reo Maori

 Kia Ora. In Te Ngahere we have been learning how to pronounce our Maori words correctly. We go on a site called Education Perfect which helps us pronounce Te Reo Maori.  We had to make a DLO about what we have learnt. We had to record ourselves saying Maori Greetings, the Maori Alphabet and Places names. Something that I did well was saying pronouncing the words properly. What I need to work on is pronouncing my Maori words more often.

Have you used education perfect before?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Web Surfing

 Kia Ora lately in Te Ngahere we have been learning about Smart Surfing. Smart Surfing is how you search on Google. Normally when you type a question on Google you would write the whole thing but you can get a more accurate answer by typing  in the keywords. Keywords are the main words like in  this question what do spiders eat? The keywords are spider and eat because they are the main words or main idea. The reason it's best to write the keywords is because if you write the whole question what do spiders eat? Google will send out digital spiders and they look for pages with all the words that you searched for. So if you just write spiders eat and search that you won’t get pages that have nothing to do with what you searched just pages about spiders and what they eat. The hardest thing for me was finding all the links to sites with the information. 

Have you ever learnt about this before?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Coastal Seas

 Ki Ora, lately in Te Ngahere we have been learning about coastal seas. We watched a video on Netflix that taught us all about the coastal seas and what live in them. The narrator for the documentary was David Attenborough. The coastal seas is made up of coral reefs, kelp forests and lots more. There are sea animals from the smallest like anchovies to massive humpback whales. Coral reefs are actually dying from global warming. Coastal seas are beautiful. My favorite things in coastal seas is the coral reefs because of the sharks and how they hunt. 

Here is al DLO that I made that has a lot of information on it about 

Have you learnt about coastal seas before?