
Friday, June 26, 2020

Courageous Angles

Lately in Te Ngahere we we have been learning about all the different types of angles. I have learnt around 6 new angles which are acute, obtuse, right, straight, full rotation and reflex. I did find angles hard at first because there was a lot to remember like all there names and their degrees. Here's a DLO that me and a few friends made enjoy.

Do you understand angles?

Friday, June 5, 2020


In Te Ngahere we have been doing math about fractions. What I am learning for fractions is to find fractions of a set. I like learning about fractions because it's fun to learn new things and it's challenging . At first I found it hard to understand what the numerator and denominator are, In the end I made it. I made a DLO have a look. DLO

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Ping Post Boss

In Te Ngahere we just started a trick shot. Well were doing the same trick shot
again. We are doing a ping pong ball challenge. Our success criteria was 1 it
must  bounce off a surface, 2 we had to use cardboard and 3 it has to go for 3
seconds at least. This time my group is Dale, Rymon and Darcy also me Mikaire.
Our plan is  we have to make the ping pong ball bounce off the cup then it
goes down the cardboard into the cup. I am glad we can do this again
because last time we failed. Thankfully we did completed it this time.

Well blogger out.