
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Boat Safety

In Te Ngahere Tracy came to speak to us about being safe on a boat.
She said that there were five things that were really important when
you go on a boat. One is always wear a life jacket, two have a
waterproof phone or a emergency beacon, three Tell someone
where you are going and when you will be back, four Check the
weather and five put your safety first. Tracy also told us how to use
flares and all the different flares. What I learnt from that was to
always have an emergency beacon or waterproof phone. Now that
I know this I now know how to be safer on a boat. Did you know
this already? 
Blogger out


  1. Hey Kai! I really Like this Post about Swim Safe. Do you think that you could tell me who Tracy is and where she’s from because if I wasn’t there I would be very confused! Also at the end of the post it looks like there are two paragraphs when there is actually only one! Maybe next time you could embed you’re Poster in instead of linking it! Now Getting away from the Negative Stuff I Personally enjoyed listening to Tracy talk about Swim Safe, It was really Interesting! What was your favourite Part? Jack.

  2. My favorite part was when Tracy was talking to us about all the different flares

  3. Kia ora Mikaire, Dayton commenting here, I like your blog post about How to stay safe on a boat. I enjoyed it because it can teach little kids how to stay safe when they are on a boat with their family. Next time when you are adding your DLO, you should add a photo of your DLO because we don’t add links in our blog post. Do you know any other stuff that you can teach?
    Overall, I think it’s good.

  4. Hi Day Day there is something else that I could teach like If your stuck in the ocean on the radio go to channel 16 because that is the ocean guard channel.
